Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Temuduga SPA: Satu Pengalaman

Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal..akhirnya aku berjaya mengharungi temuduga SPA! Semua pelajar tahun akhir jurusan farmasi di UIAM Kuantan ditemuduga secara berkelompok, dibahagikan kepada 3 kumpulan dan berlangsung sepanjang 3 hari (24, 25, 26 Feb 09). Susun atur dalam kumpulan adalah mengikut tarikh lahir. Yang paling tua akan mula dulu. Aku ditempatkan dalam kumpulan kedua dan merupakan orang yang kedua ditemuduga pada hari kedua. Huh, ada apa dengan nombor 2? Tak ada apa-apa.
Aku menanti giliranku dengan penuh debar di hadapan Seminar Room bersebelahan dengan bilik kuliah kami sambil membelek-belek BNF. Semua sijil telah disusun dalam satu display folder. Satu resume mengenaiku telah pun aku keluarkan daripada folder dan dikepilkan bersama satu salinan fotokopi kad pengenalan, surat beranak, sijil SPM, surat pengesahan dan juga senarai semak dokumen. Pakaian yang dipakai adalah pakaian formal: baju kurung & tudung kosong senada, kasut berwarna gelap yang bertutup, dan kad matrik. Urmm..agaknya, apakah soalan-soalan yang akan dikemukakan nanti?

20 minit berlalu setelah Jiman melangkah masuk ke dalam bilik temuduga sebagai orang pertama dan akhirnya dia keluar juga. Kring! Loceng berbunyi. Aku bangun dari tempat duduk dan..Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..masuk menghadap. Sebaik sahaja aku menghampiri meja, aku menyerahkan folder dan resume kepada penemuduga. Penemuduga ada dua orang kesemuanya. Seorang dari SPA dan seorang lagi ialah pegawai farmasi HTAA yang mewakili KKM. Kedua-duanya berbangsa Cina.

Aku mengucapkan terima kasih setelah dipelawa duduk dan sesi temuduga dimulakan oleh Pengerusi dan diikuti oleh pegawai farmasi. Yang banyak menguasai temuduga adalah Pengerusi. Lojikla kan, sebab dia pengerusi..apa daaa..

Sambil meneliti resume dan melihat sijil-sijil yang ada, pengerusi bertanyakan beberapa soalan seperti: Nama & asal, latar belakang pendidikan, tahap penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris dan peranan farmasis dalam sektor kerajaan. Ok, jawab, jangan tak jawab! Jika soalan diajukan dalam ibunda, maka jawablah dengan bahasa yang sama. Sekiranya soalan dikemukakan dalam Bahasa Inggeris, maka jawablah dengan Bahasa Inggeris juga. Berikut adalah sebahagian daripada dialog yang berlaku. Semoga kalian, terutamanya yang bakal menempuhi mana-mana sesi temuduga, beroleh manfaat darinya. Aku paparkan di sini tidak sekali-kali bertujuan untuk berbangga diri (na'uzubillah).

Awak memang belajar di sekolah agama sejak dari sekolah rendah hingga ke universiti?

Ya, saya mendapat pendidikan peringkat rendah dan menengah di sekolah agama, kemudian melanjutkan pelajaran ke Darul Quran, seterusnya ke Pusat Matrikulasi UIAM PJ dan sekarang di UIAM Kuantan.

Quite religious! Semua sekolah agama separate gender kan?

Tak semua, tapi sekolah saya ya.

So, how do you find mixing with other gender in university and later in career? Adaptation? Boleh masuk dengan semua orang ke?

So far, I can mix with people, there's no problem with adapting to new situations. And I like interacting with people.

No problem? Really?

Yes (with a confident look)

I asked that because more often than not, religious people used to become withdrawn. They don't like mixing, itu tak boleh, ini tak boleh. But I really like those religious people who can adapt and mix well with others, terutamanya sewaktu kerja nanti.

Ya, we should be professional. I'll try my best!

Ya, tak semua orang sama dengan kita, macam-macam ada. Ada yang putih, ada yang hitam, ada yang kuning..tapi semuanya diciptakan oleh satu Tuhan (sambil mengangkat jari telunjuknya). There are three things that we should practice: tolerance, understanding and respect. Tak kiralah bangsa apa, agama apa sekali pun.

Yes, I agree..we have to respect the diversity of human being.

Ya, ingat 3 perkara yang saya sebutkan tadi. It's our right to be religious but don't make it as a barrier. Religious people should be more open-minded. Well, we should not discuss about religion too much in this interview. So, it's quite good of you then. Bagaimana pula dengan tahap penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris?

Saya boleh kata..baik.

Ya, untuk SPM, English dapat A1. Awak punya akademik bagus, agama pun bagus. Bagaimana cikgu di sekolah agama menekankan Bahasa Inggeris? Siapa yang mengajar?

Di sekolah saya, Bahasa Inggeris memang ditekankan sebelum pelajar menduduki PMR lagi..bla bla bla.. Cikgu saya..bla bla bla..

Oleh kerana Bahasa Inggeris awak ok, could you please explain in English what are the roles of government pharmacists?

As government pharmacists, our role should be parallel with the vision and mission of MOH..bla bla bla.. In hospital setting, we play roles as.bla bla bla.. In community setting..bla bla bla.. While in enforcement, we should...bla bla bla..

Ok, I can see your ideas but they are all jumble-up, you were jumping here and there. You should organize your thoughts systematically. Anyway, I can see that you understand well what your functions are..but again, arrange your ideas. You are good in English.

(Uhuks! Smile..) Thank you for the advice. I will try to improve it.

One thing about enforcement division: the integrity. Please put this at the highest place, no compromy, avoid corruption.

Yes, that should be the main concern. Is that like check and balance?

No, no balance, check only. If there is balance, then there is compromy. We don't want any compromy in following the standards that have been set up. But there are people out there who are compromising these standards. That's not right at all. It's too risky for all people. (The pharmacist beside him were nodding his head repeatedly)

Yes, I understand about that. Integrity is number one!

OK, ke mana awak mahu pergi selepas habis belajar?

Saya berminat untuk masuk hospital setting

Where do you want to..ermm..(pause)

To be placed?

Ya, where do you want to be placed?

The first choice is my hometown.

Kota Bharu, Kelantan? Nak balik kampung la ni? (Synical smile)

Yes, actually that's because I'm the eldest of 10 siblings, my dad had passed away more than 5 years ago and my mother is the only breadwinner in the family currently. I would like to be placed closer to my family so I can help them more.

Hmm, but you won't really be able to do that once you start working (Synical smile again). Well, I know that you now understand what are the situations that you will be going through. Knowledge and skills are very important.

Uhmm.. where we can get the knowledge, get it. Then, apply it in our daily life and share it with others. Isn't it right?

Right! OK, that's all from me.

Kemudian, penemuduga dari KKM mengambil alih sesi temuduga.

You've said about clinical pharmacy just now. What is clinical pharmacy?

Clinical pharmacy involves..bla bla bla..

Among hypertension, diabetes and asthma, which part are you good in?

Hypertension.. uhmm, no, no.. diabetes. Yes, DM (sebab belajar sem ni & baru je jawab dlm midsem exam)

In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, what are the mainstay of the treatment?

For DM type 2, the mainstay of the treatment are monitoring the diet, take less food with high sugar content, performing physical activities..bla bla bla. If after several weeks, the blood glucose level still does not reach the target value, then a drug is indicated. Drug also should be started immediately if patients are symptomatic. The first-line is metformin especially for the overweight and obese patient, unless it is contraindicated.

What are the contraindications for metformin?

For example, severe liver imparment or chronic kidney disease.

Ok, then what are the alternatives?

We can give other type of oral antidiabetic agent such as thiazolidinedione, acarbose, sulphonylureas etc. Insulin is the last choice.

Why insulin is the last choice?

Because it is in injection form and it is invasive. The general principle is, initiate oral drug first, single therapy. If it does not work, increase the dose and if it still doesn't work, combine with other oral antidiabetic agent. When these steps fail, only then, the patient should be given insulin plus the mainstay of the treatment...bla bla bla..

Alright, your knowledge is quite good. Like what have been said just now, knowledge and skills are very important especially in clinical setting. I hope you can keep on searching for knowledge and apply it. Thank you. That's all from us.

OK then. Thank you, Mr... Thank you, Mr... (smile)

Sambil tersenyum, aku bangkit dari kerusi dan mara sedikit ke hadapan mereka untuk mengambil folderku, dan terus menapak untuk keluar dari bilik temuduga. Alhamdulillah, selesai sudah satu step. Kelegaan! Harap-harap, dapat kerja di negeri sendiri. Ameen!


  • Buktikan bahawa orang yang belajar agama BOLEH!
  • Tolerate, understand and respect others!
  • Arrange your ideas systematically!
  • Equip yourself with knowledge & skills, no matter where you go!
  • Usaha + doa + tawakkal!


hajarzainal said...

i like number 2!
mantap lah kak ac
semoga terus sukses=)

Amin Mansor said...

tq kak ac! dpt idea what is actually happened in the interview. need to prepare for my 4th yr nanti. =)

Asiyah said...

Haza min fadhli rabbi...
Wishing all of u: BEST of LUCK!

SoalHati said...

tq kak yg amat bermanfaat :)

Syahrir bin Zaini said...

memang post terbaekk la kak ac
minta izin copy utk hafal
esok interview

Anonymous said...

salam,,akak ambil diploma@ ijazah kat uiam,,,thanks,,,:)