Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Orang Muda Sekarang

“Balik rumah tak 8hb ni?”, saya bertanya kepada seorang classmate sewaktu menunggu pensyarah masuk ke kelas.

“Insya Allah, balik”, jawabnya spontan.

“Baguslah. Mengundi kat mana?”, saya meneruskan perbualan.

“Oh, saya balik je tapi tak pergi mengundi kot”, jawabnya selamba.

“Aik, tak pergi? Dah daftar kan? Ish, rugilah kalau tak pergi”, respon saya yang tiba-tiba terkejut dengan kenyataannya.

“Ha’a, memang dah daftar tapi mak ayah je kot yang pergi. Saya tak ada feel pun untuk keluar mengundi”, jelasnya sambil membuat mimik muka tiada perasaan.

“Ish, kena mengundilah. Itu hak kita sebagai rakyat, kena pilih pemimpin yang terbaik. Peluang ni datang 4-5 tahun sekali je, bukannya selalu. Lagi pun, tahun ni kan kita the first timer, rugilah kalau tak cipta pengalaman”, saya cuba berdiskusi dengannya.

“Hmm.. sebenarnya dulu saya excited jugak keluar mengundi tapi hari tu bila saya semak daftar pemilih, nama saya tak tersenarai pun. Tu yang takde hati sangat sekarang”, kawan saya menjelaskan kondisinya yang sebenarnya.

“Oh, macam tu rupanya. Tak apa, awak rajin-rajinlah pergi check, mana tau tiba-tiba nama naik. Tak ke rugi kalau nama dah ada tapi kita pulak yang tak ada masa mengundi? Jangan lupa pula, kita ni mahasiswa, the agent of change“, saya memberi pendapat dan berharap dia akan memanfaatkan sepenuhnya peluang yang ada.

“Ya, insya Allah”, jawapannya sedikit sebanyak melegakan hati saya.

Dalam hati, saya berkira-kira, itu baru seorang yang saya tanya. Bagaimana pula dengan jawan-kawan saya yang lain? Daripada pemerhatian kasar, kehangatan pilihanraya hampir tidak terasa di dalam dewan kuliah yang berhawa dingin ini.

Topik-topik perbualan kebanyakanpara mahasiswa dan mahasiswi masih lagi sekitar drama-drama jepun & korea, anime, bola sepak, fashion, pakwe dan makwe. Tiada langsung kedengaran cerita tentang kepincangan kerajaan Islam Hadhari sekarang. Apatah lagi tentang agenda perubahan yang didambakan rakyat.

Ternyata, inilah aspek pembangunan modal insan yang berjaya dilahirkan oleh kerajaan Islam Hadhari: budaya “aku tak peduli” yang membarah di kalangan golongan muda.”Jadilah apa nak jadi, janji aku boleh hidup senang dengan cara aku”. Semudah itu kata-kata tersebut dilemparkan tanpa mahu berfikir panjang.

Tahukah mereka, mereka sebenarnya mengundang kerosakan kepada generasi selepas mereka? Jika mereka tidak merubah suasana politik semasa, mereka & anak cucu mereka juga yang akan menjadi mangsa kepada kenaikan harga barang, minyak & tol, kegilaan rasuah, kekejaman jenayah dan berterus-terusan menjadi hamba hutang PTPTN sedangkan semua itu sepatutnya diperolehi secara percuma. Cubalah fikir!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Dedicated to all Pharmacy Students of IIUM....

“These students always miss the lectures”, lecturers are complaining
“They like to engage with useless things during their leisure time”, parents are grumbling.
“They don’t even care what is happening to the ummah”, Muslim leaders are responding.
“Where has the sense of responsibility gone? Don’t they realize that they’ll be questioned by the Almighty later on?”, another voices are questioning.

These dialogues sound familiar to you? It’s never too late to change them to more meaningful words provided that we change ourselves first. Developing ourselves towards the betterment and helping others to expand their quality are the novel tasks to be performed by Muslim students like us since we are the agents of change.

To do these tasks, we need that sense of responsibility which has been slowly diminished from our real life by our own attitude. Because we are the only creatures who are holding the title of “khalifah” to run this world, Islam has taught us to be responsible and trustworthy in every single thing we do, no matter who we are; His servant, a son or a daughter, a friend, a student, a leader or even a follower.

Say, for what ever reason, we are suddenly elected to be one of the leaders in IPhA. For sure we bear greater responsibility than those who do not hold the post. We are entrusted to manage and run the society and its members accordingly. We should ask ourselves more often, “To what extent I’ve contributed? Is there anything else that I haven’t done yet? Have I performed my best?” I truly believe that if these questions are being revised day in, day out, excellence will bear as its fruit.

However, the real excellence would not be achieved if the members of IPhA are irresponsible. As members, do we carry the responsibility too? Absolutely, yes! Even though we are sub-committees, without us, the society would not make any move. We have to be a very responsible sub-committee because this society is ours and we are the members, not anyone else. We should not be too selfish and self-centred in doing our personal job because we too, are responsible to our brothers and sisters around us. If we still want to live only in our own world, we are actually violating others’ rights. Ask ourselves the same questions that the leaders should be asked and it’s the time to turn over a new leaf. Indeed, the glory of Islam will shine if the Muslims are responsible. Yes, we’ve got nothing to lose when we do all the good things!

I am responsible and trustworthy
I follow the Islamic teaching strictly
I do my best in academic and society
I contribute to the Muslim ummah daily

I want Islam to lead the world sooner
So I have to keep my performance better
I develop myself and others equally
Cause I know this life won’t last eternally