Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tagged by Soalhati

Aiyyayy...Soalhati tagged me! Sebenarnya sudah beberapa orang yang tag aku tapi aku tak pernah respon, mohon ampun & maaf ya. Jadi, inilah serba sedikit 16 perkara tentang diriku.

  1. Aku anak sulong daripada 10 & antara "super seniors" di UIAM Kuantan. Huhu, dah tak boleh lari dah daripada gelaran ni.. (and the same will happen to him who's gonna be my life-partner..kikiki)
  2. Di rumah & di kampung, dikenali sebagai Kak Long. Kawan-kawan rapat sejak dari sekolah rendah memanggilku Asiyah.
  3. Kak Nik Aminah, naqibahku sewaktu aku di tingkatan 4 adalah orang yang mula-mula memanggilku sebagai AC. This nick name is used until now.
  4. Graf CGPA ku adalah kembar tak seiras "linear-pharmacokinetic graph". Semakin melangkah ke tahun akhir, semakin menurun gayanya. Sepatutnya, makin menaik. Aduhai, adik-adik jangan tiru graf ni ya! Bagi seiras betul-betul tau..
  5. Perkara yang akan mengurangkan tekanan bagiku ialah aktiviti fizikal termasuklah mengemas bilik& rumah sambil dengar bacaan Quran atau nasyid. Very soothing!
  6. Arwah atukku pernah menggelarkan aku & adik-adik sebagai "burung" sebab suka sangat makan buah & sayur. We can sense that something is missing if these two do not appear in the meals. Tapi kalau dah tak ada juga depan mata, tidaklah sampai meraung-raung minta dibelikan.
  7. Aku jenis yang cepat memahami sesuatu. Alhamdulillah, Haza min fadhli rabbi!
  8. My anger treshold is a little bit low but the climax point is a little bit high. Maksudnya, senang sahaja untuk merasa geram atau marah tapi masih boleh didiamkan. It's hard to explode.
  9. Lebih senang untuk berdiam diri jika merasa marah kerana dibimbangi tahap kemarahanku akan melonjak ke puncak apabila terus berkata-kata. Kesimpulannya, tidak semestinya diamku itu menandakan aku merestui segalanya. Huh, am I that complicated?
  10. Nevertheless, I can cool down from my anger rapidly and I think that is nice.
  11. Mempunyai sahabat-sahabat pena dari dalam & luar negara sejak dari tingkatan 2. Sharing coins & photographs is the best thing to do.
  12. Mempunyai impian untuk memiliki sebuah PDA yang canggih (senang untuk cari drug information sewaktu kerja nanti).
  13. Suka belajar pelbagai bahasa. Pernah juga belajar bahasa Mandarin, French & Germany, tapi separuh jalan sahaja. Oleh kerana, ilmu yang ada tak di amalkan, ilmu itu lesap daripada dada dengan senangnya. Astaghfirullahal'azim!
  14. Sangat-sangat mengkagumi semangat arwah abah dalam harakah Islamiyyah. Beliaulah yang memperkenalkan buku haraki & usrah kepadaku secara tak langsung. Aku paling gembira kalau abah jadi tuan rumah untuk usrahnya sebab pada masa itu rumah kami seolah-olah ada kenduri. Ramai kawan-kawan abah akan datang & ummi akan masak banyak-banyak.
  15. Aku berhasrat untuk mendalami tafsir Al-Quran supaya setiap kata & tindakanku ada dalilnya.
  16. Perancangan selepas bergraduasi:
  • membina baitul Muslim
  • menolong ummi menyara keluarga
  • meneruskan gerak kerja dalam gerakan Islam
  • bekerja dengan kerajaan sekurang-kurangnya 10 tahun
  • membuka farmasi sendiri untuk kepentingan jangka masa panjang
Sahabat-sahabat, tolong doakan ya semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kita semua. Ameen ya rabb!

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Manusia hanya bisa merancang. Namun harus diingat, perancangan Allah itu mengatasi perancangan makhluk-makhlukNya. Semoga perancangan kita selari dengan perancangan Allah.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Feeling Misery & Happy

Should you have any answer or opinion regarding the situations below, please kindly respond. Thank you.
  1. Currently, checking for emails is somewhat problematic when I use Celcom broadband. I have to try many times to navigate from 1 page to another and more often than not, I end up in frustration. This does not occur when I use wireless connection.
  2. I can't sign in for my YM account when I use the broadband. Again, this does not happen if I use wireless connection.
  3. The connection speed using this broadband is too slow. This badly irritates me especially when I need to search for some information urgently. I've referred this to one of the promoters outside the Celcom center in Kuantan but his answer did not satisfy me.
Is there anyone here who experiences the same?

Regardless of the problems above, I am happy today & really thankful to Allah. Alhamdulillah, I passed all the papers in the previous mid-sem exam. Though my average marks are lower than those of my two room-mates', I am still happy that now I've got my "booster dose" to struggle for OSCE & final exam.

For those who have failed one or more subjects, I know what you guys feel at this moment because I've experienced the same..sadness, hopelessness, inferiority complex bla bla bla. Having these feelings is not wrong because we are normal human beings. However, we have to manage them properly. Don't get yourself drawn in these feelings for days and finally you do nothing for the final exam. Remember, you can't stop the countdown. Hey, failure in mid-sem exam is not the end of the world!

I've failed mid-sem but Allah had helped me to compensate in final exam for that two papers. Though I didn't get A, He gave me chance to have B-. I believe that you guys can do better than me. Come on, get up from your misery! Study, study, study!

"Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: 'We believe' and will not be tested?"
[Surah al-Ankabut: 2]
"..and never give up hope of Allah's Mercy. Certainly, no one despairs of Allah's Mercy, except the people who disbelieve"
[Surah Yusuf: 87]
"And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad s.a.w.) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me(without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me & believe in Me, so that they may be led aright"
[Surah al-Baqarah: 186]

Allah is always listening to you. Rise everytime you fail! That is considered as success.

Look, if you have some time, go get your lecturers who teach you the subject that you have failed. Ask them, which part you got the lowest mark and inquire for their opinion about the ways that you should take to improve. May be you have done very good in essays but too bad in MCQ. Who knows, may be you are one of the minus-marking-victims! That was what happened to me. Use this consultation hour to ask anything that you do not understand in the subject. If you are lucky, the lecturers will give some exam tips during the consultation hour.

Wishing you all the best!

O Allah, help us in making correct decision..
O Allah, shower us your blessing & assistance..
O Allah, grant us the success in this world & hereafter..

Ameen ya rabb..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

MMP Melakar Sejarah Lagi!

Maahad Muhammadi Perempuan (MMP) Kota Bharu meneruskan lagi kecemerlangannya. Kali ini dengan melakar sejarah dalam keputusan SPM 2008, lebih baik daripada tahun-tahun yang sebelumnya. Tahniah diucapkan kepada ukhti Nik Nur Madihah Nik Mohamad Kamal kerana berjaya memperoleh 20A (19A1, 1A2)! Anda & sahabat-sahabat berjaya meneruskan legasi di MMP dan kami para alumni merasa sangat bangga dengan pencapaian ini.

Nah! Siapa kata pelajar sekolah agama lekeh? Siapa kata sekolah agama kerajaan negeri Kelantan tak mampu bersaing di peringkat nasional mahupun global? Ternyata, keberkatan daripada Tuhan itulah kunci kejayaan. Tanpa keberkatan, sekolah elit macam mana pun tak akan dapat melahirkan insan yang sejati. Bumi MMP merasa hangatnya kasih yang mengalir ikhlas daripada nadi para ilmuwan & agamawan sejak zaman berzaman. Biar tanpa bantuan penuh daripada kerajaan persekutuan, MMP tetap mara menongkah arus kemodenan kerna tertubuhnya MMP atas nama ketuhanan.

Oh, rindunya aku kepada MMP!

Maahad cemerlang budaya kita
Mari bersama kita buktikannya
Tiap detik adalah ibadah
Menabur bukti dan berjasa

Maahad cemerlang budaya kita
Kau mutiara kaulah pelita
Menyuluh derita anak bangsa
Melahirkan makrifat di mana berada

Maahad cemerlang budaya kita
Mula diri, keluarga, negara tercinta
Maahad mahkota cermin agama
Iman & taqwa matlamat utama

Maahad cemerlang budaya kita
Guru tercinta ikutan mulia
Putera puteri layar perjuangan
Maahad cemerlang budaya kita

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Salam Sejahtera ke atasmu, ya Rasulullah!

Allahumma solli wasallim 'ala Muhammad, wa 'ala aali Muhammad..

Segala pujian dipanjatkan kepada Allah kerana masih lagi memberikan kita peluang untuk bernafas dalam nikmat Iman dan Islam, alhamdulillah. Syukur jua kerana hasil perjuangan & pengorbanan junjungan besar baginda Nabi s.a.w. kita pada hari ini dapat mengenal 2 kalimah syahadah

"Asyhadu allailaha illallah wa asyhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah"

Kita berkata, kita beriman dan percayakan Allah dan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Saban waktu, kita berulang-ulangkali melafazkan syahadatain itu. Namun, adakah kita mengetahui tuntutan-tuntutannya? Sudahkah kita benar-benar merealisasikan ikrar kita itu dalam kehidupan seharian? Adakah kita mengamalkan ajaran-ajaran Islam yang sebenar yang diutuskan oleh Allah melalui Rasulnya?

  1. Kita sebagai individu muslim - dari sudut aqidah, ibadah, akhlaq, menguasai diri, mewakafkan diri dalam perjuangan menegakkan Islam
  2. Rumahtangga kita sebagai rumahtangga muslim - tanggungjawab sebelum & setelah berumahtangga, mendidik ahli keluarga, melindungi mereka dari siksa api neraka
  3. Masyarakat kita sebagai masyarakat muslim - menyuruh yang baik, mencegah yang buruk (al-amru bil ma'ruf wan nahyu 'anil munkar), budaya 'pedulisme'
  4. Negara kita sebagai negara muslim - menjadikan al-Quran & as-sunnah sebagai sistem perundangan tertinggi negara, bukannya perlembagaan hasil rekaan manusia
  5. Khilafah islamiyyah menguasai alam - seluruh pelusuk alam dapat merasai rahmat Islam, tiada lagi penindasan & kezaliman bermaharajalela
Islam itu tinggi & tidak ada yang lebih tinggi daripada Islam. Fahamilah maksud sebenar perkataan "MUSLIM" iaitu menyerahkan diri secara total untuk melaksanakan perintah Allah & menjauhi laranganNya. Jika kita berbuat demikian, nescya kita akan selamat di dunia & di akhirat, insya Allah.

"Aslim, taslam"

Justeru, jadikanlah 5 perkara di atas sebagai tugasan yang kita perlu selesaikan dalam menyempurnakan misi kita: memburu redha Tuhan. Bertindaklah kerana itu akan menjadi bukti kecintaan kita kepada Allah dan RasulNya!

"Love is a verb"

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Another TWO

Yesterday, I virtually chatted with a Texas lady. Today, I really talked to another Texas lady. Two totally different Texas ladies within two days in two separate occasions. Again, I'm wondering, what's so special about 2?

The former one, she was sneaking through blogs when she suddenly came across my Yahoo ID in bloggers list, so she decided to add me in her contact list, you know, just for some chit-chat. And that was how we started to know each other briefly. I'm glad that I've given something new to this lady, a new knowledge about Islam & Muslim that she never thought of before. It is a concept about relationship between males and females in Islam that she first said as "dumbo" the very moment I explained it to her.

I am not angry with her , not at all, as this is very much expected from the beginning. She's a typical Texas woman. I've presented to her an analogy after analogy which I thought were logic & rational. Alhamdulillah, finally she admitted that this new weird thing that I've mentioned to her was so interesting and she wanted to dig for more. I do hope that she'll finally find the true light in her life. May Allah guide her to the right path.. ameen!

I met the latter lady in a seminar today, Multaqa Institusi Tahfiz Kebangsaan 2009, which is held in Kompleks Yayasan Pahang, Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan. This 42 years old Texas lady happened to sit next to me in the main hall after the lunch break. She who is married to a Kelantanese actually reverted to Islam when she was 24 years old. She was so excited finding someone like us in this seminar whom she can speak to with her mother tongue. Wearing a perfect Muslim attire, this English teacher was so eager to learn about tahfiz institution in Malaysia.

"Owh, this is only the first day but there are so many input!," she said as she was scribbling words after words on her paper. Another thing that she mentioned as we were giving a big applause in the hall, "We shouldn't clap our hands like this (palm-to-palm) but when we clap like this (palm-to-back of hand), the sounds don't come out loud. They say, it's like we are calling for shaitan. Uhh, I should have find the hadith about this. I can't believe it until I see it myself".

Although one is a non-Muslim and the other is Muslim, there is something similar that I can learn from both of them: their thirst for knowledge. They know what they need and they are very decisive, yet very determined.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Black Sheep In The Family

Here is one of the common questions asked by Non-Muslims, to be answered by Muslims:

Muslims pray 5 times per day, more than people in other religions do. But why there are many Muslims who still involve in the bad deeds; the bribery, the corruption? If Islam can not prevent them from doing such evil things, then, what are the differences between being Muslims & Non-Muslims? Even some Non-Muslims are better than Muslims.

Nah! My dear brothers & sisters in Islam,

What do you feel when you are asked about that, do you have any brilliant answer? Indeed, you who claim yourself to be Muslim but do not act the way Muslim should be, you are the "black sheep" in Islam! Should we choose you to be our leader while you yourself never represent Islam? Do you still want to draw our attention by saying that "by electing us, only then Islam will be protected"? Will Islam be protected by those who are corrupt, selfish and arrogant? Islam never teaches us so.

By the way, Allah is always the Most Gracious & the Most Merciful to his servants. Once we are wrong for not totally submitting ourselves to His commands, He still opens widely the door of repentance for us. He'll forgive us if we really want to be forgiven, wholeheartedly. If we "walk" towards Allah, He'll "run" towards us. It's only the matter of.. do we want it or not? Let's grab this golden chance!

P/S: Congratulations to all my fellow friends for successfully organizing such wonderful programs this weekend! Inter-Faith Dialogue (IFD) 2009 and Seminar on Early Marriage. Thanks, guys..for giving me the opportunity to grab the invaluable knowledge!