Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I'd rather say that FAILURE is a very common phenomenon and faced by everyone whether he or she is a well known person or just a lament one. The most important lesson one should get from the failure is knowing how to gain back victory and not falling down again..meaning that he or she must not give up easily! Hahaha...I'm the one who's facing the failure right now. You know what, I failed two subjects in the previous mid-semester exam, the thing which never happened to me before but I know it will happen somehow, it's just a matter of time. The failure was predicted because I knew my performance was worse that time. I am sort of very sad in the beginning once I knew the result but I know, to let the feeling to conquer myself worths nothing.

So, here I am! Because I know where my potential is, I should never ever give up. I remember, when I attended the leadership and management course last weekend in Jeram Besu (the white water rafting was the coolest thing I've ever tried there, I won't forget it, really!), one of the motivators had said that adults always give up easily. They should learn from the babies and the toddlers on how not to be fed-up because only toddlers are the ones who never stop from trying even though they are facing a lot of difficulties or failures. Just take a look at the toddler who is learning how to walk. They keep trying to get up and make a move even though they always stumbling painfully on the floor. They never say "I don't want to do this anymore", right? So, it's better for us to learn from those toddlers to boost our spirit in order to move ourself towards a better movement. Stop accusing this and that for being the factors of our own failure..that is escapism and only the real losers do that!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cuti Raya!

Ye ye..mggu depan cuti raya cina! Tak sabar rasanya nak balik kampung walaupun kerja-kerja banyak bertimbun..assignment, lab reports yang tak putus-putus, minit mesyuarat yang tak habis-habis, kerja-kerja dakwah yang tak akan berakhir, isy..kalau nak tulis memang takkan habis. Tapi bila sebut pasal raya cina ni, kenapa ye cutinya 2 hari? Raya haji, hari raya umat Islam tu pun dapat cuti sehari je walhal, katanya Malaysia ni adalah negara Islam hadhari. Sepatutnya umat Islam diberi peluang untuk menyambut hari kebesaran mereka dalam waktu yang secukupnya kerana mereka adalah majoriti rakyat negara ini. Tak pasal-pasal bangsa lain yang dapat prioriti. Salah siapa? Ke manakah hilangnya suara pemimpin-pemimpin yang lantang katanya nak membela agama, bangsa (Melayu) dan negara? Sampai sekarang saya masih tidak faham mengapakah keadaan ini berlaku. Mungkin kerana mahu menjaga kepentingan bangsa-bangsa lain yang banyak mendominasi kekuatan ekonomi negara kerana kalau tak diturutkan kemahuan mereka, mungkin mereka akan buat onar pula. Kalau yang menjadi mangsa adalah kaum Melayu, tidak akan ada kesannya sebab kebanyakan daripada mereka ini tidak tau sangat untuk memprotes jika hak mereka di ragut. Sampai begitukah sekali sensitiviti mereka?
Dalam bab ini, saya tabik pada kepimpinan kerajaan Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga kerana masih cakna dalam mengatur keutamaan dan keperluan umat Islam. Terima kasih kerana memberi cuti lebih sehari untuk raya haji. Dengan cuti itu, bukan sahaja amal ibadah akan ditingkatkan tapi hubungan kekeluargaan juga dapat dieratkan. Pada saya, kalau pendek masa cuti, pendeklah masa kita bersama keluarga. Maka akan kuranglah interaksi antara ahli keluarga dan inilah antara faktor yang menyebabkan runtuhnya institusi kekeluargaan Islam. Bilamana "urusan engkau, hak engkau", "urusan aku, engkau jangan kacau" membarah dalam masyarakat, kemusnahan nilai-nilai moral insan dan akhlaq Islami akan terjana.